Employee Parking Permit Renewal Now Underway
LEXINGTON, Ky. (June 6, 2014) — University of Kentucky Parking and Transportation Services (PTS) is now accepting employee and retiree parking permit renewal applications. University of Kentucky and Bluegrass Community and Technical College employees are encouraged to renew their permits at www.uky.edu/pts. Employees may also apply for permit renewal via campus mail by using printable forms found at http://www.uky.edu/pts. Starting Monday, June 16, employees may apply in person at Parking and Transportation Services in the Press Avenue Garage (PS #6), located at the corner of Press and Virginia Avenues. Office hours are 7:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Veterans Affairs Medical Center employees and UK retirees may apply for permits by mail; printable forms are available at www.uky.edu/pts. Starting Monday, June 16, these user groups may also apply in person at the PTS offices in the Press Avenue Garage.
2014-2015 parking permits must be displayed no later than July 1. Employees are encouraged to renew their permits as early as possible, so as to ensure delivery by June 30. Online application renewals will be available through June 24.
After six years of no permit fee increases, the university has instituted a moderate increase in employee permit rates. Standard employee permits for the 2014-2015 permit year are $33 per month, or $396 a year. Retiree permits for the 2014-2015 permit year are $5 per month, or $60 per year. Those who retired from the University prior to July 1, 1995, are eligible for permits at no cost.
All outstanding parking citations must be paid before an application is accepted. Citations may be paid online at www.uky.edu/pts.
Eligible UK employees may payroll deduct permit fees on a pre-tax basis. Pre-tax authorization must be completed each year. Employees may simply select the pretax option during the online application process or complete and submit an authorization form available at www.uky.edu/pts/online-services_pretax-deduction-enrollment. UK retirees and employees paying through methods other than payroll deduction are not eligible for pre-tax enrollment.
To complete an online application, applicants should have on hand their link blue login and password, correct home or work address and a credit card if not opting for payroll deduction.
For more information on permits, parking on campus or to receive forms, visit www.uky.edu/pts, call 859-257-5757 or visit Parking and Transportation Services in the Press Avenue Garage (PS #6). To stay up-to-date on campus parking and transit news, follow UK Parking on Twitter at http://twitter.com/UKParking, subscribe to the Parking e-News email newsletter at www.uky.edu/pts or tune into 1700 AM.