KSBDC's Harbut Reappointed to Lead Minority Council

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 1, 2012) — Kentucky Small Business Development Center Director of Special Programs Dee Dee Harbut recently was reappointed as the chair of the Governor’s Minority Employment, Business Affairs and Economic Development Council for her third term. This appointment will expire in April 2016.
“We are proud of Dee Dee’s appointment as chair of the council for another term,” said KSBDC State Director Becky Naugle. “The KSBDC is proud to support minority business owners in the Commonwealth and partnering with the council serves our mission well.”
Established in 2004, the Governor’s Minority Employment, Business Affairs and Economic Council in collaboration with major corporations, business owners, government entities, and community and higher education institutions, seeks to develop outcome driven initiatives that can measurably grow minority business enterprises and minority employment opportunities within the Commonwealth.
The council operates within the Kentucky’s Governor’s Office of Minority Employment (GOME), which works to support minority business owners by promoting self-sufficiency through education and training; ensuring equal access to jobs and focusing on economic development.
“It is extremely gratifying to work with the Governor’s Office to help advance opportunities for minorities throughout the state. I’m very pleased with our accomplishment thus far but we know there is still work to be done,” Harbut said.
Since Harbut’s original appointment as chair six years ago, the Governor’s Minority Employment, Business Affairs and Economic Development Council has played a significant role in the following statewide initiatives:
- Small Business Connection Portal
- Minority and Women-owned Business Entity Certification Program (M/WBE)
- Procurement training for state purchasing agents
The KSBDC is a network of 15 offices located throughout the state that help existing and start-up businesses succeed by offering high quality, in-depth and hands-on services. The KSBDC is a partner program with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). For more information on the KSBDC visit www.ksbdc.org.
MEDIA CONTACT: Sarah Magargee-Hineman, (859) 257-7661