KY Transportation Center Research Available Online Via UKnowledge

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Sept. 12, 2014) – University of Kentucky Libraries has partnered with the Kentucky Transportation Center (KTC) to make more than 1,400 research reports available on UKnowledge for free public access. The partnership aims to disseminate as widely as possible KTC’s research with the aid of UKnowledge’s search engine optimization capability.
After several months of processing, most of the KTC reports are now online at: The reports have been accessed over 39,000 times by readers around the globe. The most popular report so far is titled "Innovative Rapid Construction/Reconstruction Methods" (, which has seen more than 4,700 downloads since it was first posted online in mid-2013. Thanks to UKnowledge’s access tracking feature, authors of the reports are notified monthly of the download counts of their works.
Founded as the Kentucky Transportation Research Program in 1981, when the Kentucky Department of Highways transferred its Division of Research to UK's College of Engineering, KTC provides services to the transportation community through research, technology transfer and education.
As a steadfast steward of research and scholarship, UK Libraries is enthusiastic about playing a role in enhancing the online visibility and availability of academic studies undertaken by members of the UK community. With UKnowledge being built as the repository of UK’s intellectual capital, UK Libraries welcomes opportunities to collaborate with academic departments and research centers to archive, disseminate, and facilitate reuse of their scholarly outputs. If you would like to find out more about this service, contact Adrian Ho at
MEDIA CONTACT: Whitney Hale, 859-257-8716;