UK Undergrad Presents Research at Harvard

LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 4, 2014) — Ashley Arlinghaus, a University of Kentucky undergraduate who is conducting research in the laboratory of UK College of Pharmacy faculty member Steven Van Lanen, was invited to attend the National Collegiate Research Conference (NCRC) at Harvard University in late January to present a research poster.
Arlinghaus’ poster was selected from 400 competitive applications, according to NCRC.
Arlinghaus, from Burlington, Ky., is an agricultural biotechnology major in UK’s College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Her poster is titled, "Biosynthesis of Aminoglycosides to Circumvent Antibiotic Resistance."
“Ashley is an exemplary undergraduate student and has obtained some exciting results from her research here at the UK College of Pharmacy,” said Van Lanen, an associate professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. “Not only is she an excellent student with a promising future ahead, she is diligent and motivated. Ashley will do great things in science.
[The NCRC offers] a platform for undergraduates from across the nation to share their interest in research."
Arlinghaus has accepted an offer to pursue her doctorate in the UK College of Pharmacy’s Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program.