"see blue." Preview Nights: We're Coming to Your City

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Sept. 2, 2014) — We're coming to your city! UK “see blue.” Preview Nights are bringing UK to you.
Faculty and staff from various UK colleges and departments will hit the road over the next several weeks to share a little bit of UK with communities across the Commonwealth and select cities in nearby states. UK "see blue." Preview Nights give high school students a glimpse into the spirit of being a UK Wildcat, as well as into the variety of opportunities UK offers. The first event kicks off in Lexington Tuesday, Sept. 2, at the Lexington Convention Center. All events begin at 7 p.m. local time and are open to the public.
The Office of Undergraduate Admission and University Registrar, along with various departments and colleges across campus, will send representatives to set up these special events in 21 different communities throughout the state and region.
Staff members will share what UK has to offer and take prospective UK students through the ins and outs of applying. Students attending will be able to visit various booths to learn how the programs and resources at UK support their goals and interests for the future.
Representatives will also provide information on admissions, financial aid, scholarships, housing and the wide array of majors and degree programs that UK offers. Plus, students will have the opportunity to meet UK representatives and current students from the particular area. Following each "see blue." Preview Night presentation will be a special session on Financing Your Future, which will allow students, parents and guardians to learn more about financial aid, scholarships and the billing process.
"Preview Nights are an exciting opportunity to show off the momentum that is unfolding at UK," said Don Witt, associate provost for enrollment management. "The University of Kentucky is so proud of the robust variety of opportunities it provides students, and a Preview Night is an exciting occasion to learn about all of those opportunities in one place."
Preview Nights will visit Lexington; Northern Kentucky; Louisville; Dayton, Ohio; Cleveland; Indianapolis; Chicago; Somerset, Ky.; Corbin, Ky.; St. Louis; Paducah, Ky.; Hopkinsville, Ky.; Owensboro, Ky.; Bowling Green, Ky.; Elizabethtown, Ky.; Ashland, Ky.; Pikeville, Ky.; Atlanta; Nashville; Maysville, Ky.; and Columbus throughout September and October. For dates and locations, visit seeblue.com/previewnights.
The beginning of Preview Night season also marks the launch of this year's "see blue." marketing campaign featuring the 2014 Viewbook and recruitment video. This year's campaign highlights UK's storied past and traditions while focusing on our bright future as the university celebrates its sesquicentennial in 2015.
In the recruitment video, you are introduced to four current UK students who share their "see blue." stories. Their stories are just a sample of the millions of "see blue." stories that make up our institutions' past, present and future.
Students may now also apply for admission to the university for the Class of 2019. The application is now available online at www.applyuk.com. UK also accepts the Common Application. New this year, the University of Kentucky is now offering the option of two tracks for students to apply for admission.
For the first time ever an Early Action Track is being offered to incoming freshmen. Through the Early Action Track students may apply for admission, scholarships and the Honors Program.
The application deadline for those who choose the Early Action Track is December 1. Students who choose to take the Early Action Track can be considered for competitive academic scholarships and the Honors Program. Information on UK's 2015-16 academic scholarship for incoming freshmen is available at seeblue.com/scholarships.
Additionally, Early Action Track students will be permitted to submit an application for a housing and a Living Learning Program early with a deadline of February 15.
On the other hand, students who chose the Regular Decision Track have an admission application deadline of February 15, as well as a Living Learning Program application deadline of April 1 and a housing application deadline of May 1.
Students who choose the Regular Decision Track will not be considered for competitive academic scholarships, competitive diversity scholarships, or the Honors Program.
Whether students choose the Early Decision Track or the Regular Decision Track, there are other important dates to keep in mind. February 15 is the priority FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) submission deadline for all students. The deadline for automatic scholarships is March 1 and the deadline for enrollment deposit, advising conference/orientation fee and the scholarship acceptance deadline is May 1. A detailed freshmen admission timeline is available at seeblue.com/timeline
For more information about applying to the University of Kentucky, contact the Office of Undergraduate Admission and University Registrar by email admissions@uky.edu or by phone 866-900-GO-UK or connect on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram. Share your "see blue." experiences using the hashtag #seeblue.