Help the SEC Beat the ACC!

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 18, 2010) – This week, every University of Kentucky fan has the chance to win an SEC title. Not through football, soccer or another fall sport, but by donating canned and dry foods to drop off locations on campus.
The twelve schools from the Southeastern Conference (SEC) and the twelve schools from the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) will compete through Friday, Nov. 19, in a canned food drive challenge titled “U-Can, Canning Hunger One University at a Time.” A total number from each school will be collected, one league will win bragging rights and each school will supply donations to the charities of their choice.
“This is a great way to use our pre-existing school rivalries to raise canned goods for our respective communities,” said Bhavi Patel, Director of Community Service for the University of Georgia’s Student Government and coordinator for the SEC collection.
University of Kentucky Student Government Association, in collaboration with the College of Communications and Information Studies and Delta Epsilon Iota, will accumulate totals from existing canned food drives on campus and submit the University of Kentucky total by 5 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 19. The total count for each SEC and ACC school will be updated on by Monday, Nov. 22.
"This is a great opportunity for every Wildcat to give back to those less fortunate and have a direct impact in our Lexington community. We're also very excited this year to partner with other SEC schools in the SEC versus ACC challenge, and I encourage everyone to be involved,” said Ryan Smith, University of Kentucky student government president.
Involvement in the canned food drive will directly affect the SEC count, and the website will also list which university collects the most items, based on each school’s percentage of the student body. University of Kentucky students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends are encouraged to bring items to the drop off bins found in the Student Government Office, the Career Center, Kastle Hall, Grehan Building or Ag North.
All donations from the canned food challenge will be donated to God’s Pantry in Lexington. Donated items must be store bought, no glass, within their “use by” code date, unopened and have a label on it. God’s Pantry requests that donors purchase items they would consider eating, and consider high need items such as canned meat, canned fruit, peanut butter, baby food, baby formula and cereal.