Friend or Frienemy? Facebook and Students
LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 21, 2011) – An addiction is plaguing college campuses across the country — an addiction to Facebook. From the Oscar nominated film “The Social Network” to apps for smart phones, Facebook is a constant companion to a college student, but how does that really impact our lives? Facebook commentator C. L. Lindsay will discuss that topic at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 23, in Worsham Theater on UK’s campus. This event is free and sponsored by the Student Activities Board (SAB).
Lindsay, a social networking guru, will speak on the long-term consequences that can take place from content posted on social networking sites. Lindsay is a nationally recognized expert and leader in the field of student rights and academic freedom. While working with college students, he realized the trouble that many students fall into as a result of posting inappropriate content on their profiles, and he decided to put his law background to work and inform students of these dangers.
“I read somewhere that about 8.5 million college students log onto Facebook everyday, and I know from what I see on my news feed that a lot of people post inappropriate pictures and remarks all the time,” said Derek Operle, associate director of the SAB Pop Culture Committee. “It will be interesting to hear from an expert how posting those things can have a big impact on your life.”
Lindsay’s lectures are engaging, informative and hilarious. He uses real UK student’s Facebook photos and profiles as he informs the audience about the use of social networking sites, the law and privacy.
The Student Activities Board (SAB) brings more than 100 events to the University of Kentucky annually that enhance the college experience by providing students, other members of the campus and the Lexington community with entertaining, educational or enriching programs that are reflective of contemporary issues and trends.
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MEDIA CONTACT: Katy Bennett,(859)257-1754,ext. 255;