Girl Scouts: Friday Is Last Chance To Register for GEMS Workshops

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 3, 2011) — As many as 250 Girl Scouts will spend a day on the University of Kentucky campus Saturday, Nov. 12, attending hands-on workshops that will introduce them to a variety of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) careers.
The Seventh Annual "Girls in Engineering, Math and Science" event (GEMS) is a collaboration between the UK College of Engineering and the Girl Scouts. The event is intended for girls from grades 4-12. Junior, Cadette, Senior or Ambassador Girl Scouts are eligible to participate. Troops must register by Nov. 4. The cost is $9 per girl and $5 per adult.
GEMS is sponsored by the UK College of Engineering, Kentucky American Water and Time-Warner Cable. For more information or to register a troop, please contact Vicki Cooper at
This year's workshop lineup includes:
- Lego Mindstorm Robotic Workshop
- Nursing — Oh the Things You Do
- What's In the Water? (Kentucky American Water)
- Physics Petting Zoo
- How Sweet It Is: The Chemistry of Cooking
- Shrinky Dinks Make You Think
- Snap Circuits
- Alice in Programming Land
- Killer Asteroids
- Examining Mammals
- See What the Sun Can Do: Solar-Powered Cars
- There is a Tool for That: Power Tools
- Get into Shapes: An Intro to Polyhedra
- Warming Up to Worms
- Catch a Thief
- Is Pharmacy in Your Future?
- From River to Tap
- Satellite and Space Station Design: New NASA Space Lab
MEDIA CONTACT: Keith Hautala, (859) 323-2396;