City Work on Sanitary Sewer Line Repair to Impact Hospital Traffic on March 28.

LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 27, 2013) -- On March 28, city crews will be working on sanitary sewer lines near UK Chandler Hospital Pavilion A front loop and the UK HealthCare Parking Garage on Transcript Avenue. One lane of the Pavilion A front loop near South Limestone will be closed beginning at 8 a.m.
The sidewalk bisecting the greenspace within the loop will also be closed, and pedestrians will be rerouted to the sidewalk along South Limestone. Beginning at noon, one lane of Transcript Avenue will also be closed, but entry to the garage will not be blocked and shuttles will be operating. Although traffic may be slowed by the work, at least one lane will be open in both areas at all times and a flagman will be onsite. Work is expected to finished and traffic restored to normal by 3 p.m. If you have questions, contact Ami Piccirilli at