Simple Steps to a Healthier Heart: Walk More, Eat Less Fast Food, Don't Smoke
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 5, 2013) - The following column appeared in the Lexington Herald-Leader on Sunday, Feb. 3.
By Dr. Susan Smyth
Death rates from heart disease in the United States have declined nearly 30 percent since 1998 due to improved diagnosis, new procedures and drugs, and the adoption of healthier lifestyles.
Despite these improvements, a recent study shows that the cardiovascular health of the nation varies dramatically across states. Only 2.3 percent of Kentuckians have ideal cardiovascular health, according to the ABC News study. Lexington and Louisville both received a D- rating for heart health.
What can be done to improve the heart health of Kentucky? Knowing the American Heart Association’s "Life’s Simple 7" or participating in the Million Hearts initiative is a good place to start.
Million Hearts aims to prevent one million deaths from heart attacks and strokes over five years by focusing on the ABCs: Aspirin for those who will benefit, managing Blood pressure, lowering Cholesterol, and Smoking cessation.
A healthy lifestyle can greatly reduce anyone’s chances for developing heart disease. Even small changes can have a major impact. The top three healthy habits to adopt are: avoid (or vastly reduce) tobacco use, exercise regularly, and eat well.
Smoking is the most preventable cause of death and disease in the United States, and for every person who dies from smoking, 20 more suffer from at least one serious tobacco-related illness.
Tragically, an estimated 60 percent of children aged 4-11 are exposed to secondhand smoke. Studies show the risk of developing heart disease is 25 to 30 percent higher in people exposed to second-hand smoke.
Treating high blood pressure and high cholesterol are also essential to preventing heart disease. Eating too much salt raises blood pressure. A study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that nine out of 10 Americans exceed the daily limit of sodium (2,300 milligrams), which comes mostly from processed foods and fast food. People with hypertension should limit sodium to 1,500 milligrams a day. Reducing sodium intake, medications, and losing weight can help keep blood pressure in check.
Another way to reduce your chance of developing heart disease is regular exercise — as little as 30 minutes a day is all that is needed. In fact, for every hour of exercise, studies estimate that people increase their lifespan by two hours. Easy ways to increase your physical activity include: doing vigorous housework; gardening or working outdoors; taking short, brisk walks; parking further away in the lot; using stairs instead of the elevator; and dancing.
Healthful eating is the easiest change you can make. Avoid eating out whenever possible, and place a priority on home cooking. Smart moves include: make fruits and vegetables predominant in your diet (shoot for a minimum of five colorful servings every day); switch
to whole grain bread and multi-grain cereal; eat fish two to three times a week; snack on unsalted nuts; substitute beans and legumes for animal protein.
Foods to avoid include fried foods; foods high in sodium or saturated fat; most processed foods and deli meats; salty snack foods; and sodas, both regular and diet (recent studies suggest that even diet soda is harmful to cardiovascular health).
Knowing your risk for heart disease, making small lifestyle changes, and following Life’s Simple 7 steps could mean that you or a family member are one in a Million Hearts saved.
Dr. Susan Smyth is chief of the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine and co-director of the Gill Heart Institute at UK HealthCare and attending physician at the Lexington VA Medical Center.