New UK Forestry Website Designed to Serve All Kentuckians

LEXINGTON, Ky., (April 5, 2016) — A new University of Kentucky Department of Forestry website opens the classroom to both college students and Kentuckians in general. Combining the research and academics of the department with the outreach of the Cooperative Extension Service, the new site has something for everyone.
From the department that prides itself on small classes and classrooms as big as all outdoors, prospective students can surf the website to learn about the forestry major and careers in forestry, wildlife and natural resources. Woodland owners can access a wealth of online information about how to manage their lands or register for landowner workshops that take place around the state. With videos, photographs and informative papers in an eye-catching and easy to navigate design, the site offers visitors a bounty of information on a broad array of subjects such as snake fungal disease, invasive species, wildlife management and the economic impact of Kentucky’s forest industries, among many other topics.
"I think people will be surprised to learn how much information is on our website,” said Terrell Baker, department chair. “Alumni and friends of the department now have a great way to keep up with all the great things going on in Kentucky's only university forestry department. Also, our UK Forestry Facebook page is a great way to keep track of what we are doing on an almost daily basis.”
The new website can be found at The Department of Forestry is part of the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. The undergraduate forestry major is the only forestry program in Kentucky accredited by the Society of American Foresters.
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MEDIA CONTACT: Carol Lea Spence, 859-257-8324.