UK Seeking Feedback on Parking and Transportation

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Jan. 17, 2014) ― The University of Kentucky is conducting a comprehensive study of its parking and transportation system as an extension of its overall master planning process. The goal of this process is to improve access to campus, as well as mobility within the campus itself.

"Feedback from students, faculty and staff is extremely important and helps ensure we receive input from a broad cross-section of people who live, work and study on the University of Kentucky campus," said Lance Broeking, director of UK Parking and Transportation Services.

The survey takes approximately 10 minutes. Respondents do not have to complete all questions but are encouraged to respond to all that apply. Multiple choice answers should offer options that fit most situations or experiences.

The links provided below will take respondents to a survey that is designed to collect meaningful information about their needs and experiences in getting to, around and from campus.

The faculty/staff survey can be found at:  The student survey can be found at

"We know that your time is valuable and appreciate your willingness to invest in the process to ensure that your views are represented," Broeking said.