WUKY Adopts New Public Media Code of Integrity

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 25, 2013)WUKY, the University of Kentucky's NPR station, is one of nearly 200 local and national organizations to have adopted the new Public Media Code of Integrity.  The code is the result of local public radio and television stations across the country realizing there is a need to create a code of honor.

“The Public Media Code of Integrity is both an inspiration to us all and a challenge as we strive to meet the high standards it establishes. It says who we are and what we are in no uncertain terms," WUKY General Manager Tom Godell said. "In the era of the 24-hour news cycle, when other news organizations are concerned primarily with getting the story first, public broadcasting and WUKY remain committed to getting it right.

Further, the code informs all of WUKY’s activities from our daily 'Rock and Roots' music shows to our pledge drives and even our annual Mud Run. We are proud to join with our public broadcasting colleagues across the nation in adopting and embracing this document.”

The code was created by Affinity Group Coalition and the Station Resource Group, collectively representing public television and radio stations and service organizations from across the country, with support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. It promotes commitment to a number of standards including accuracy, integrity, fairness, respect, diversity, and impartiality. The coalition hopes all public radio and television affiliates will adopt the code by the end of 2013.

“Trust is the backbone of any reputable news media outlet," WUKY News Director Alan Lytle said.  "WUKY News pledges to adhere to the principles contained in this Code of Integrity, and we urge other public radio newsrooms to follow suit.”

The Code of Integrity can be read at its website: http://www.codeofintegrity.org/?utm_source=Station+Managers&utm_campaign=2bbda4d39f, and it will be posted on WUKY’s website at www.wuky.org under "About WUKY."