Former UK President Lee T. Todd Jr. Accepts CASE Award

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 23, 2012) — Former University of Kentucky President Lee T. Todd Jr. was presented with the 2012 Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) District III Chief Executive Leadership Award Monday, Feb. 19, at the CASE District III conference in Atlanta, Ga.
The award is presented annually to an outstanding president, chancellor, head master or system head of a District III CASE member institution, including chief executives who have retired in that academic year.
“I was honored to accept this award on behalf of a group of very imaginative, hard working and innovative individuals that I had the pleasure to work with at UK," Todd said. It’s one thing for a leader to have a vision, but if there are no individuals who execute and add value to that vision, nothing gets accomplished. Fortunately, we have a wonderful group of individuals who did just that, and hence we were recognized for many of their accomplishments.”
Aaron Singleton, chair of the award selection committee, said Todd's nomination was enthusiastically endorsed by several of his colleagues who wrote glowing letters of recommendation on behalf of Todd who retired from the UK presidency June 30, 2011.
"The selection committee was extremely impressed with the many achievements the University of Kentucky has attained during the years of Dr. Todd's presidency, as well as his many other accomplishments in the profession," Singleton said.
CASE III Chief Executive Leadership Award criteria include demonstrating the ability to create a vision and inspire others; establish a positive image for the institution while leading it to higher levels of success; increase the institution's stature in the community; encourage innovation and risk-taking among employees; and actively support all aspects of institutional advancement.