Transforming Fabrics into Quilts of Comfort

LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 1, 2011) — Rosemary Campbell's family did not need any more quilts, but she did not want to stop doing something she loved. So, she found a way to continue doing what she loved while bringing warmth and love to patients at Kentucky Children's Hospital (KCH) in the form of quilts through the organization of Quilts for Kids.
"There is nothing better than the weight of a quilt when you are not feeling well," said Aimee Baston, manager of Annual Giving at Kentucky Children's Hospital. "We are thrilled to have a local chapter of Quilts For Kids in Winchester, Ky. They make our patients' time here feel more like home. We can't thank them enough for making these wonderful quilts for our children."
Campbell first learned about Quilts for Kids through the Quilter Magazine and was so impressed by their mission she knew she wanted to support them somehow. Her quilting friends agreed and quickly jumped at the chance to support the cause. Now, after only five months of establishing the Winchester Quilts for Kids chapter, the members have made their first donation of 17 quilts to KCH.
"Personally, I know there is no way I could ever do what the doctors and nurses do with these kids and I am in awe of their medical and emotional skills," said Rosemary Campbell, chapter leader for the Winchester-based Quilts for Kids organization. "But sewing is a small thing I can do to help, and I am grateful for the opportunity. I hope the quilts will always be a source of comfort and a very real reminder that the children are loved and cared about by many—even by people they may never meet."
During the chapter's first visit to KCH, Campbell said the volunteers were so touched and inspired by the presentation of one of their quilts to a patient that a number of quilts were begun that same afternoon.
"The thing we enjoy most is that we are able to combine our love of quilting with the chance to do something to help ease the fear and pain of a suffering child a little bit," Campbell said. "Most of us are mothers and grandmothers, so naturally our hearts go out to them. We imagine ourselves in the place of families dealing with such frightening situations and marvel at their ability to cope."
The Winchester-based chapter is the only Quilts for Kids chapter in Kentucky, and although based in Winchester, Ky., it also includes members from other cities.
The chapter meets monthly at the Clark County Extension Center. For information about joining the Winchester Quilts for Kids chapter contact Campbell by e-mail at or call (859) 744-2212. For more information about the Quilts for Kids organization, visit
MEDIA CONTACT: Julie Meador, (859) 323-6363 ext. 256 or