UK HealthCare

UK College of Medicine Students Have Ceremony to Reveal Match Day Results

LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 19, 2012) -- Members of the University of Kentucky College of Medicine Class of 2012 held their annual Match Day Ceremony marking one of the most important and emotional days of their lives as they learned where they will begin their careers as doctors after graduation. At noon on March 16, names were randomly drawn and students were called to the stage at the Keeneland Entertainment Center to open their envelopes and announce their destination before their colleagues, family and friends.
Match Day ceremonies take place simultaneously at noon the same day every year at medical schools around the country. The National Resident Matching Program (NRMP), designed to keep the match fair and objective, pairs the wishes of the students with the needs of hospitals’ residency programs.
Prior to Match Day, students complete paperwork and interviews with hospitals and then provide a ranked list of top choices. Hospitals submit a similar list indicating openings, preferred students, and specialty or generalist preferences. Each applicant is matched via computer algorithm to the hospital residency program that is highest on the applicant’s list and has offered the applicant a position.
Media Contact:  Kristi Lopez, (859) 806-0445 or